William Shakespeare's


The Play

In the word cloud below you can see 150 words that appear most often in the play. The bigger the words the more often they are mentioned by the characters. If we keep this fact at the back of our minds we can assume that the biggest words give important information about the play.
In your groups, discuss what Much Ado About Nothing could be about. 


MAAN - The Movie

There is a modern version of Much Ado About Nothing with famous actors that you might know from TV. It is definetely worth watching it if you don't have the possibility to watch it on stage. You can find a trailer on youtube or look at the pictures below to get a first impression.

The Elizabethan Times

Shakespeare was born into the Elizabethan era. The world back then was different. Have a look at the pictures and talk about what has changed in the last four hundred years.